Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/175

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Scythia sends her furs, the Baltic's waves

Heave amher in her lap, whilst Babylon

Her costly fabrics weaves, and rich brocades;

Myoshorm annual sends her hundred sail,

Blown by the hot monsoon to Malabar,

Ceylon, and spicy isles, whence silk, pearl, gold,

And aromatic spices flow ; pearls pay

Comaria's tribute, diamonds Bengal's,

Gems and sweet spice, Supar's and Celebes'.

Nor less by native wealth and glory crown'd ;

Whose vine clad hills, whose vales, and fertile fields,

Repay her husbandmen with pulpy fruits,

With olives, gen'rous grape, peach, apricot,

Pomegranates, and those nectarous globes,

Which in Hesperian gardens hang, and draw

Their hues aurate, from golden beams of day ;

Whilst earth, with bounteous stores profuse embrown' d,

Its cereal treasures in her garners pours ;

And flocks and herds, well-fed, contented browse

On every slope, green mead, and pleasant vale.

Nor from her surface sole, but, disembowl'd,

Mineral wealth yields, silver, gold; richer far,

Tough ribs of iron, livid gray, copper, zinc,

Lucent quicksilver, cinnabar and brass ;

Liparian quarries equal treasures yield,

Pentelecus, Carrara, more renown' d,

And countless stores beside, that need not here

Exhaust thy patience, dull to be recount,

Though rich the revenue from each derived,

And worthy their discern, who seek to rule.

But wealth perhaps small influence o'er thee wields,

Long bred to want, as sprung from a poor house,

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