Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/226

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And every sick man, redolent with health,

Grew strong to swell the rolling tide, which bore

Him fluent on tow'rds Olivet's blest hill.

Thousands, whom he had fed, and whom set free

From Satan's dition fell; the lepers cleansed;

Captains of bands, centurions, rulers, they,

Who had his works beheld, and who believed.

Lunatics, strong of mind and reason now,

With powers devote to him, who them restored ;

Many, who touch'd his garments and were heal'd,

Or, on whom, he his sacred hands had laid,

Or at a word, bade fever, rheum, flux, gout,

And slow consumption's ghastly ravage, cease.

The Twelve close follow'd, with their Lord the midst,

Meek, lowly, seated on a gentle foal,

New to the yoke, on which no man had sat,

Until the Master now his use employs;

As Iddo's son, inspired, bef >re had sung

Rejoice, daughter of Sion ; shout for joy,

daughter of Jerusalem ; behold,

Thy King will come to thee, Jesus the just,

Thy Saviour, poor, and riding on an ass.

Sing now, muse, in flowing numbers tell, Who thus their faithfulness anew display, To grace the triumph of the Son of Man. First sing the seventy, those whom Jesus sent To heal the sick, the pow'rs of hell bubdue ; Of whom stood Lucius chief, evangelist, Physician ; later, friend beloved of Paul ; Then Marcus, the first fruit of Peter's zeal, Who th' other (Jospel wrote, divine inspired ; Next Zebedee, whose sons were of the Twelve,

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