Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/238

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Whilst ours diffuses o'er the circling orb;

But with what speed his growing influence runs,

Ye see ; which, at like rating, soon must leave

It questionable, whether I, or he,

Shall greater claim have to be Prince of air,

And ruling pow'r, o'er this sublunar sphere,

Too dearly bought, too highly prized, to yield

But by necessity and dire constraint.

What is to be, our arms must quick indite,

Our ready wits extill, while aught remains.

No fabian delay, nor flexuous wiles,

Avail our purpose here, sure of defeat,

By this our ancient foe, though seeming man.

Unless with dext'rous hand we him requite,

And by some lucky stroke forefend our foil,

That, which we needs would shun, must supervene.

Nor do I doubt, this vantage we may gain.

Through promise darkly giv'n, and words, himself

Let fall, 't would seem the end of this grand scheme

Is death; through which, 'tis said, ensues our thrall.

Believe the first, give to the winds the last,

And let him who would most deserve of hell,

The speediest means propound for this bold aim."

So spake the subtil fiend, and sat the while, Who should his promptings second or withstand j Nor waited long, for soon Asmodeus rose ; The same, who fired with lustfulness, the bed Of Raguel's chaste daughter, lewd beset j And who the heart of Solomon misled With lusting after Moabitish wives, And foreign gods, Astarte, Priapus, Libidinous, with sensual rites endow'd.

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