Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/261

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With fond pretence, ardor well timed, and show Of zeal for Israel's peace, Joazer thus, Not without praise, advised ; and scarce had ceased, When strange irruption thrill'd th' excited hall. Or man, or demon, he might either seem, Who slunk with gait unsteady in their midst. Haggard his mien was, downcast was his eye, Or roll'd suspicious, scanning whom he saw, With gloamy look, askant, malicious leer. Fell passion blanch'd his face with ghastly white, Or livid shades threw o'er his shaggy brow ; Whom Caiphas thus with troubled aspect broach'd :

" Whence com'st thou, wretch, unbidden to this place? No place for thee, unless thy doubting mien Belies thee, one of the Twelve and Whom we hate. Intent to pry perhaps, who counsel here ?"

So he with questions half, and half surmise ; To whom the felon, unperturbed replied :

" As thou me deem'st I am, nor aught belies, One of the Twelve ; but yet, on these pry not For Him, whom I as well hate, and with cause, Whose tyranny sore presses those, who serve His austere rule, strict motive, and severe, Nor known to Israel's law. Him then I hate, Have left, and would with these conjoin, did fit Inducement offer; and Him now betray.

Caiphas to whom, with joy insane, return'd :

"Well is thy coming, friend, and opportune; Timely thy words, that merit much, if true; Though else, not spoken, or so, not perform'd, Must fall with sev'nfold weight on thine own head, Who promise ; as shall soon redound to all,

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