Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/302

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From her then, second Man, announced his Son.

Small change I ween, and like to end as ill,

For I this Man have slain, (or so near slain,

That brief the moments count twixt him and death;)

And what may more your wonder and amaze

Excite, by hand of friends; by this betray'd,

By that denied, forsaken then by all,

So by ours caught, tried, damn'd, and slain ;

Whom soon athwart these burning plains I'll drag,

A trophy of my prowess ; and thus end

The new race, that was promised from his seed

Should rise and repossess the earth, thence heav'n.

So may his works all end, abortive, vain,

And ours triumphant shine, of right supreme."

He scarce had ended, and expectant sat The loud acclaim of hell's assembled powers, When from the height of Golgotha arose A mournful cry, an agonizing groan, Which roll'd its diapason, deep and loud, To utmost bounds of extramundane space ; Dull silence pierced, confused the rolling spheres, And plaintive reach'd th' empyreal throne on high. 'Tis finish'd agonized, the Saviour cried, And groaning bows his sacred head and dies. 'Tis finish'd rocks, and hills, and vales, return, Whilst seas with awful voice take up the sound, And, It is finish'd, waft from pole to pole. Earth, from her centre to circumf'rence shakes; The Temple's veil is rent in twain ; rocks split, And blackest night involves her trembling sphere. Profoundest hell through all the confines quakes ; Upheaved, her burning promontories fly,

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