Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/328

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Nor less explicit is his birth defined Born of a Virgin, God with us, his name ; So, equal deem'd the Son of God and man. Doth this accord with him, of whom ye spake ? Mary, the Mother of this Man, ye know, And his reputed father, Joseph just. The record thence dilate of his descent. Doubtless ye have ere this, his lineage traced, On either part, and found him David's Son. From this source then your clear illation draw ; Superfluous words do but the sense obscure.

" What most concerns us now, is not degree, But nature of his office to inquire. Moses hath shown him Prophet of the Lord ; If Prophet, then of need, a Priest ordain'd. 1 And this the Lord hath sworn, nor will repent, Thou art a Priest forever, so 'tis writ, According to the order of Melchisedech.' But why a Priest, if not with offerings crown'd? And, so endow' d, what were the offrings made ? Symbolic bread and wine, as Salem's king, The King of justice, and the Prince of peace, Did in the first, predictive, shadow forth, Who, ancestor, nor generation knew. As prophet, priest, so priest doth Preacher prove ; Let this from that derive. Isaias hear 1 The Spirit of the Lord upon me rests, Because he hath anointed me, and sent To preach unto the meek, contrite to heal, To captives give deliv'rance from their bonds ; For ashes, to the mourners give a crown, For mourning, oil of joy, garment of praise

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