Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/340

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��The day of the Ascension having arrived, the Almighty assembles all the hosts of heaven, and sends them to earth to escort his divine Son back to heaven. In the meantime, the Redeemer, having directed the disciples to meet him at the Mount of Olives, there addresses them on subjects pertaining to their spiritual life, renews his promise to send the Holy Ghost to comfort them, commissions them with the same powers which he had himself received, and finally bids them go forth and preach the Gospel. Having taken special leave of his disciples, and of his sacred Mother, he gloriously ascends to heaven, accom panied by innumerable hosts of angels, and the Saints, whom he had released from Limbus. The Father receives him with joy into bliss, accepts the work of redemption, and welcomes the Saints to heaven, the first fruits of the death and mediation of his Son, our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ.

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