Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/352

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Join'd with his second, Caleb, who advanced,

Fearless of Anac and his giant sons,

To view the land, with milk and honey fed ;

Who, by the prince of warrior angels taught,

Pass'd dryshod o'er Judea's hallow'd stream,

Pitch'd his first tents in Canaan's palmy vale,

Its fated city leaguer' d with his camps,

Six days in silence, awful in their calm,

The sev'nth with shouts, and trumpets' thund'ring blasts,

Her tott'ring towers hurl'd piecemeal to the ground.

For other service now, he with his bands,

By greater Captain marshall'd, glad abides ;

To higher notes, his warlike trump attunes,

Than e'er inspired with might his vengeful arm ;

Whom myriads, on Olivet surround,

Faithful who fought, awaiting heav'nly crown,

Faithful in few, to many greater call'd,

And now victorious triumph with their Lord.

So valiant Barac, he whom Debo'ra sang,

Abinoem's son, and those from every tribe,

Who stoutly fought at Thanac, where distain'd,

Maggedo downward rolls his gory waves,

Athwart Esdrela's vale to inner sea.

There Madian fell, by Gedeon pursued,

And Amalec, when by the dewy fleece,

'Twas proved, afflicted Israel's safety hung,

Upon the valor of his doubting arm ;

There too Josias met th' Egyptian king,

At foot of Carmel, and opposed his way,

But fell, oppress' d, beneath the victor's steel;

So in one day, his earthly lost, and gain'd

A heav'nly crown. All these came panoplied,

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