Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/356

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Then Sella, she, who first domestic arts Contrived, the distaff held, and taught the loom With glowing works to shine of various dye. Sara, the patriarch's unbelieving spouse, Convinced the promise now of countless seed, And special Him, who had the promise giv'n. So Bathuel's daughter, who two nations bore, And Israel's blessing for the younger sought, Sought, and by partial stratagem obtain' d. Lia and Rachel, Jacob's toilsome meed, Approach'd by these, with worthy bands in train; Twelve comely maids, by Jacob's twelve sons led, With num'rous offspring, strict in legal line. Then much wrong'd Thamar, juster than her sire, By whom came Zara, and that other son, The sire of Esron, by whom Aram came, Aminadab, Nahasson, Salmon thence, Who Rahab's zeal rewarded with his love ; She him his love, with Booz, her first pledge, Noemi's kinsman, who took virtuous Ruth, Model in Ephrata, in Bethle'hem famed, Model of virtue, famous in her line, Since Obed she, who Isai thence begot, Direct to David, whence Messias sprang, Through Solomon, by Bethsabee, whose beauty, Israel's shepherd king to sin misled; She innocent, the guiltiness his own, Who stood condemn'd to punishment severe, Just as severe, and sole forgiven, when death The scandal from his royal house removed, Though much more sorrow subsequent befel. Soon after these came Abi fair, the spouse

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