Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/72

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Me choose, and must reject, neither reward Could I allot to these, who do my will, Nor punishment to those, who me despite. Free then, they are, and shall be, till the term Of man's probation end, when all their deeds, Their words, thoughts, and desires, good or diverse, In book of everlasting truth engraved, Shall be array'd before them, and none plead Necessity, but choice; and thus from out Their own mouths justified be, or condemn'd, And thence unalterably fix'd their state. So the first pair were made, so all the race; So second Eve, who now the wrath of hell Excites. Free is she, like the rest, to stand Or fall; if free, then able; justice this, As much as free will, doth enjoin ; for why Condemn, if without pow'r to stand? Or how Commend the good that needs must be? On her Then, full endow' d with every grace, depends The safety of mankind. Should she succumb,

  • No more my justice waits; man's doom is fix'd;

His free probation o'er, the world is lost. But should she stand, and worthy prove to yield That stainless seed, which I accept, indued By thee, as perfect sacrifice for sin, 'Tis well; my justice is appeased, and man Redeem'd. Meanwhile th' angelic guards recall ; Bid Gabriel return, and let her stand Alone, her worthiness to prove, that none The Father charge too partial to the race."

He ended, when the Son thus mild replied :

" Father, 'tis well: just are thy words; she, whom

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