Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/78

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Now I perceive both how and with what skill,

Our Punisher may fill our place in heav'n.

Here lies the Mother of a future race,

And should her sons as far outshine the sons

Of Adam's loins, as she all creatures now

Excels, then farewell victory; farewell

Long hoped revenge; Heav'n conquers, hell succumbs;

Forever hopeless to retrieve our state,

Forever doom'd to converse with despair.

But all is not yet lost; the world is ours,

At least the greater part, and Heav'n itself

Affirms me prince of air. Wherefore ? if I,

With Heaven coping for earth's mastery,

Or rather, Him with malice to despite,

Have not Heav'n overcome ? What tho' 't be through

Trick, deceit and lies, and sly inventions,

Fitted to deceive? I conquer; and more

Me follow than to him subscribe. Then hail

Inventions, tricks, deceit and lies, since war,

It seems, he shuns; else why retreat, when I,

With open front, advance to where he stood

Just now, with armed guards, and leave the field,

And this fair bei'ng, exposed to my assaults ?"

So mused he, hesitant, with thoughts confused ; For ravishment, and wonder, awe and fear, Held him irresolute, abash'd ; but more By hate impell'd, than held by these, at last, Intent to hover o'er her, and mislead Her sleeping fancy to forbidden thoughts, To thoughts altivolant, ambition, pride, (As, with successful aim, he poison'd Eve,) Up as an exhalation he arose;

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