Page:Reflections among the monuments.pdf/2

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I paſs, with melancholy ſtate.
By all theſe ſolemn heaps of fate;
And think, as ſoft and ſad I tread
Above the venerable dead,
"Time was, like me they life poſſeſs'd;
"And time will be when I ſhall reſt."


YONDER white ſtone, emblem of the innocence it covers, informs the beholder of one, who breathed out its tender ſoul almoſt in the inſtant of receiving it.—

Happy voyager; no ſooner launched, than arrived at the haven——But more eminently happy they, who have paſſed the waves, and weathered all the ſtorms of a troubleſome and dangerous world; who, "through many tribulations, have entered into the kingdom of heaven;" and thereby brought honour to their divine Convoy, adminiſtered comfort to the companions of their toil; and left an inſtructive example to ſucceeding pilgrims.