Page:Reflections on the Formation and the Distribution of Riches by Anne Turgot.djvu/108

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Recapitulation of the five different methods of employing capitals.

I have reckoned five different methods of employing capitals or of profitably investing them.

The first is to buy a landed estate which brings in a definite revenue.[1]

The second is to invest one's money in agricultural undertakings, by taking a lease of lands,—the produce of which ought to yield, over and above the price of the lease, the interest on the advances and the price of the labour of the man who devotes his riches and his toil to their cultivation.

The third is to invest one's capital in industrial or manufacturing undertakings.

The fourth is to invest it in commercial undertakings.

And the fifth is to lend it to those who want it, in return for an annual interest.


The influence on one another of the different employments of money.

It is evident that the annual products that can be drawn from capitals invested in these different employments are limited by one another, and are all influenced by[2] the actual rate of the interest of money.

  1. Un certain revenu.
  2. Sont relatifs au.