Page:Relocating Bakhtin.pdf/25

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Bakhtin emphasizes not merely on the assumption of differences but concentrates on dynamic struggle over differences because the basic concept of dialogism attaches much prominence on the process of inter-activity and inter-relatedness. It automatically transgresses the standardized frontiers between various disciplines and provokes us to extend our faculties of cognition and imagination further while we author ourselves and our world. If we can realize the inherent strength and potentialities of such a process of dialogism that always renews our capacities for addressivity and answerability. We can propose an effective encounter with the hegemonistic approaches of globalization. The notions of participation and responsibility need to be comprehended anew which paves the way towards positing an alternative world order beyond predictivity and finalization.

As situatedness is constantly historicized, the task of the commentators and interpreters in the Indian subcontinent automatically calls for a reorientation of the thought process and re-contextualization of disjunctive and differentiated experiences. During the heyday of colonialism, western model of hegemonic modernism made inroads into the psyche of Indian people but could not wholely unsettle the feudal remnants of the civil society. Concomitantly paradoxical situations emerged and hybridized cultural paradigms gradually took shape which, in their turn, resulted into concoctions of multicultural mix. With the advent of post-modernism mainly among the metropolitan elites, complications and confusions percolated to some extent even to the otherwise sensitive cultural activists. More particularly the Bengali intellectuals afflicted with displacement, diasporas, migration and intense form of localization in various regions of the subcontinent had to grapple in the space between the aesthetic and the political. Their experience of responsiveness and answerability is characteristically different from that of other ethnic strata in the subcontinent. The projects of authoring the