Page:Remarkable and entertaining history of a reclaimed lady of pleasure.pdf/7

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that ſhe was now a widow and had ſuch and ſuch means left, all or moſt of theſe gentlemen (and himſelf among the reſt were ſuitors. and that their hope was this day ſhe would make choice of a huſband : Whatever he thought, he ſaid nothing for the preſent. The widow's turn was to place every man according to his degree, or at leaſt to her own fancy; this new gentlemen was neglected, and the chairs being furniſhed, left ſtanding by the window, ſhe only took place at the table's end leaving her huſband's chair empty; when ſuddenly ſtarting up methinks ſays ſhe ſome one in this room might well be ſpared for we have more gueſts than ſtools. The gentleman at theſe words bit his lip and was intreated to ſit down by his friends : but ſays the widow. is this a ſuitor too ? No queſtion one that either borrowed his clothes or engaged all his credit for this one new ſuit in hopes to gain the widow; but women are now a-days grown more wiſe ; by whoſe acquaintance came he hither ? Mine, answered his friend : Then ſays ſhe perhaps he wants a dinner, and hath no money to pay for his ordinary. Will he may ſit down among the reſt; ſome of you there make ſome ſmall elbow room. Theſe words made him with himſelf again a priſoner in Limbo or any where but where he was ; this was ſport to the reſt, but torture to him who much blamed her ingratiude ; yet arming himſelf with patience, he ſat down ſilent with an ill ſtomach eating as little as he ſpoke, all were merry at the table, ſome of them were making him their mirth, the rather to pleaſe her. A health went round to the widow's next huſband. All but him pledged