Page:Remarkable history of the miser of Berkshire.pdf/19

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( 19 )

and being in the ſeveral pariſhes or places of Stoke, Thaydon, and Marcham, in the counties of Suffolk, Eſſex, and Berks, with all and every the barns, ſtables cut houſes, buildings, and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all other my real eſtates whatſoever, and whereſoever ſitu(illegible text), ſtanding, lying, or being, with their and every of their rights, members, and appurtenances; and alſo all and every my perfonal eſtate, goods, chattels, and effects whatsoever, and of what nature, kind or quality soever, or wheresoever the same may be, unto my son, George Elwes, now living and residing at my mansion-house at Marcham, in the county of Berks, and my son, John Elwes, late a Lieutenant in his Majesty's Second Troop of Horse Guards; and usually residing at my mansion house at Stoke, in the county of Suffolk, equally to be divided between them, share and share alike; to have and to hold all and every my said real and personal estates whatsoaver and wheresoever, with the rights, privileges, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining unto them my said sons, George Elwes and John Elwes, and their heirs, executurs, administrators, and assigns, for evermore, equally to be divided between them as tenants in common. And I hereby direct, that the executors of this my will, do and shall, as soon as conveniently may be after my death, pay all and every such legacies or bequests as I may think fit to give to any person whomsoever, by any codocil, or paper writing in the nature of a codocil, or testamentary schedulde, to be written or signed by me, whether the same shall or shall not be attested by any subscribing