Page:Remarkable history of the miser of Berkshire.pdf/21

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The sons named by Mr Elwes in the will above, were his natural children, by Elizabeth Moren, formerly his house keeper at Marcham in Berkshire.

Mr Elwes, shortly after executing his will, gave, by letter of attorney, the power of managing, receiving, and paying all his monies, into the hands of Mr. Ingraham, his lawyer, and his youngest son, John Elwes, Esq; who had been his chief agents.

Nor was the act by any means improper. The lapses of his memory had now become frequent and glaring — All recent occurrences he forgot entirely; and as he never committed anything to writing, the confusion he made was inexpressible! — As an instance of this, the following anecdote may serve: He had one evening given a draft on Messrs. Hoares his bankers, for twenty pounds; and having taken, it into his head, during the night, that he had over-drawn his account, his anxiety was unceasing!— He left his bed, and walking abcas his room with that little feverish irritation that always distinguished him, waited with the utmost impatience till morning came, when, on going to his banker, with an apology for the great liberty he had taken, he was assured there was no occasion for his apology, as he happened to have in their hands, at that time, the small sum of fourteen thousand even hundred pounds!

However singular this act of forgetfulness may appear, it saves to mark, amidst all his anxiety about money, that extreme conscientiousness which