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he Maker of heaven and earth be a Husband o you; and the Father of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt be a Father to your children.-So prays your dying, yet

Moſt affectionate Friend till death,


From the Tower, of London, Auguſt 22d, 1651.

The Day of my Glorification.

Mr. Chriſtopher Love's


ALTHOUGH ſaid he, there be but little between me and death yet this bears up ay heart, that there is but little between me nd heaven.

It comforted Dr. Taylor, the martyr, when he was going to execution, that there were but two ſtiles between him and his Father's lonouſe; but there is a leffer way between me and my Father's houſe, but two ſteps between me and glory: It is but lying down upon that block, and I ſhall aſcend upon a throne.

I am this day failing towards the ocean of eternity! through a rough paſſage, to my haven of reſt: through a red ſea, to the promiſed land.

Methinks I hear God ſay to me as he did to Moles, Go up to Mount-Nebo, and die there.- So to me. Go up to Tower hill, and die there.

Iſaac ſaid to himſelf that he was old, and yet he knew not the day of his death: But I cannot ſay