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IT pleaſed God, in the creation of the world, in the declaration of his Son, and on certain other great occaſions to uſe his own voice- He ſpoke the word, and it was done: He commanded, and it ſtood faſt.-But in more ordinary caſes He has been pleated to communicate his will to mankind through the channel of holy men, inſpired with divine wiſdom, and among the more modern of theſe, the Rev. Mr. Allan. Logan late Miniſter of the Goſpel at Culroſs, in Perthſhire, was exceeding eminent. He had an amazing gift of foreknowledge and diſcernment of perſons' ſtates and fates, on fight of their faces; and ſtill more, he did truly predict the fate of others whom he never ſaw; and the accompliſhments thereof demonſtrated his foreknowledge of the ſame, which cauſed his unuſual viſiting to be ſuſpected and looked upon as a forerunner of ſome trouble or deſolation; ſo that, by his numerous predictions, he was eſteemed as a prophet. One inſtance I ſhall mention, which is as follows