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EXTRACT of a Letter from a Gentleman in the Country to his Friend in London.

My bid ſtate of health rendered it expedient for me to ake a long journey, and therefore I accompanied a friend inro Scotland While I was in Edinburgh I dined with a gentleman whoſe wife was a living witneſs to the hearing of the following Prophecy delivered by a late eminent Miniſter which ſhe voluntarily gave me in her own hand writing viz. Mr. Allan Logan Miniſter at Culroſs in the Preſbytery of Dunfermline, and County of Perth; a man of great piety: he died in the year 1733 aged about 72.

Some years before his death after ſermon, h prayed for the King of Pruſſia, that he and hi deſcendents might be ſtirred up and honoured to ſupport the reformation intereſt in Germany Being aſked in the evening by a Lady, what le him to came the King of Pruſſia in prayer contrary to law anſwered that he was ſtrong impreſſed both when aſleep and afterwards his cloſet, with a firm belief, that one of h illuſtrious houſe would be raiſed to head a victorious army, and prove a a Saviour upon Mou Zion for preſerving the Proteſtant in ere the when at he loweſt ebb.-This account if givi by two young Ladies who were preſent wh the converſation paſſed between that Lady a Mr. Logan, and who are both now alive at th date. Sept 16th. 1758.

In proportion Sir as this Prophecy in re the late conduct of Providence appears grand the iſſue of the ar will be proſperous I hou this relation would be intereſting and therefo you are at liberty u make what uſe of it think proper. Taken from be London Chronic