Page:Remarks upon the Situation of Negroes in Jamaica.pdf/12

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( viii )

although theſe remarks were dictated ſo long ago as the month of February; yet a variety of cauſes has hitherto prevented their publication. I now ſubmit them, with diffidence, to the public opinion, in the hope that thoſe who intereſt themſelves in the cauſe of humanity, will not cenſure the intention, on account of the weakneſs of the execution.

    may ſeem particularly applicable to a pen (or a farm upon which the ſugar cane is not planted) they may ſtill refer to any mountain or part of an eſtate upon which the new negroes may be at firſt ſettled, and from which drawn off, and become domeſticated with the ſlaves of the ſame plantation.

June 22d, 1788.