Page:Remarks upon the Situation of Negroes in Jamaica.pdf/97

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of Europe would freeze. I have known inſtances of attachment in a negro, that would ſhake the courage of an European; a faithful ſlave will oppoſe his breaſt to the knife that is intended to wound his maſter; he will riſk that life without oſtentation, he will receive his death without a groan.

That negroes have not any ſpecific ideas of moral rectitude, is not a fault of principle, but education. If good examples were held forth for imitation, they would adopt them; if bad be relevant it is their misfortune, and not their fault. If they be not inſtructed to think, to act like men, it is a preſent diſgrace, as it may be a future misfortune, to thoſe who hold them as dependants. That they may be taught to believe, to act as Chriſtians it would be almoſt impiety to deny. The power that gave them being, gave them ſenſe. Though their colour may be a ſhade to their actions, yet let us conſider, who are of a different complexion, that the flower that follows the ſun, is not ſo much cheriſhed as the humble violet that perfumes in the glade.
