Page:Removal of I-296 Designation, Grand Rapids.pdf/2

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NOV 21 1979

INFORMATION: Removal of Signing
and Map References to I-296 in
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Associate Administrator for Planning
Washington, D.C. 20590

Mr. Donald E. Trull
Regional Federal Highway Administrator
Homewood, Illinois

This is in response to your memorandum of November 8 which transmitted a request by the Michigan Department of Transportation to remove reference to I-296 in Grand Rapids.

As we understand the request, the State has proposed that all signing of this route as part of the Interstate System and all map references to it as Interstate 296 be eliminated. However, the route would remain as part of the Interstate System designated under provisions of 23 U.S.C. 103(e)(I) and would continue to be eligible for Interstate funds.

Please advise the Michigan Department of Transportation that their request to eliminate reference to this route for all signing and mapping purposes is approved. This approval does not remove the route from the Interstate System nor does it change its official designation as Interstate Highway 296. All official correspondence, fiscal documents, project numbering, and records should continue to refer to this route as I-296.

This action has been coordinated with the Office of Engineering and the Office of Traffic Operations.

/s/ Thomas M. Downs

Thomas M. Downs