Page:René Marchand - Why I Side with the Social Revolution (1920).pdf/69

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of making myself acquainted with the notes of Captain J. Sadoul. Written from day to day with a precision, a frankness and moral probity that could not but strike at once an impartial reader, they confirmed what my researches had enabled me to learn, after having finally broken through the narrow circles of vile calumny, in which I had allowed myself blindly to be confined. These notes constituted and will constitute, without doubt, for the historians of the future, the most luminous account of the development of Russian events since the Proletarian Revolution of October. The remarkable logic and rectitude of the line of conduct followed by the Workers and Peasants' Government of Russia is to be seen in startling relief: in spite of formidable obstacles, which it is constantly struggling with, it does not cease to keep a firm hand, a helm which steers invariably towards the World Proletarian Revolution,—the only means of salvation for Humanity, and the only possible solution for War! Equally clearly is to be observed the narrow mindedness, the stupid obstinacy, the interested class prejudice, and the revolting partiality of our diplomatic representatives who deliberately gave up the representation of France in order to act as the agents of financial groups, and the champions of egoistic class interests. I learned quite casualy from private sources, of the moral sufferings endured by the representative of the Soviet Government at Berlin,—Joffe,—who was personally opposed to signing the Brest Peace and who, in spite of this, had nevertheless accepted the onerous task of representing Soviet Russia with German Imperialism, because he believed that he