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out of the gate with a great oak tree flouriſhing about his head, intending with one blow, to cruſh in pieces the bones of St. Anthony for diſturbing him of his repoſe, but the nimble knight ſo avoided his ſtrokes by ſkipping continually out of his reach, that the Giant, in a ſhort space grew weary with brandiſhing ſo unweildy a weapon, which when St. Anthony perceived he lightly leaped to him, and with one blow brought the Giant upon his knees, which being ſeconded with another of mighty force, bereaved the Giant of his life, ſending his ſoul into the dark regions, there to inhabit with grim Pluto; then, thanking God for his victory, he entered the caſtle, where he was kindly entertained by Roſalinda, one of the Thracian King's Daughters; ſhe ſhewed him all the rarities of the castle, and amongſt the reſt, ſix ſilver ſwans ſwimming on a great pond of water, which were the other ſix daughters of the King of Thrace, whoſe chaſtities the luſtful giant attempting to violate, the kinder deſtinies (in commiſeration) transformed them into milk white ſwans, to ſignify their chaſtities were without ſpot and blemiſh.

After ſome ſhort repose to refreſh himſelf, St. Anthony with Roſalinda poſted to the Thracian court, where they were kindly entertained; but the King hearing of his daughters' transformation, with great grief departed to the caſtle, reſolving there to ſpend his days with invocating his country gods, to reſtore his daughters to their ſhapes: whereupon St. Anthony, not willing to ſpend his days in eaſe and luxury, reſolved privately to depart from thence, which being made known to Roſalinda, ſhe alſo ſecretly departed with him.

In the mean time, the famous Champion, St. Andrew of Scotland, having paſſed thro' many dangers in a vale of walking ſpirits, came wandering alſo into this country of Thrace, fortune guiding his ſteps to the ſame caſtle wherein the Thracian King was worſhipping his heathen gods, which he perceiving, and knowing