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him, his horse and sword with which he had formerly encountered the burning dragon. And now, my George, quoth she, nothing remains but to free me from the power of my forced husband, which opportunity invites us unto; he having with the whole court rode out a hunting, St. George willingly condescended to her motion, sealing the same with as sweet a kiss as ever Leander bestowed on Hero: and having gotten the good will of an eunuch to go along with them, storing themselves with provisions, being gallantly mounted, they posted away with all the speed they could make, passing through divers woods, desarts and unknown places, to escape the pursuit of those whom the black-a-moor king would send after them.

Having travelled thus for some few days together, at last the beautiful Sabrine began to faint with hunger, which made St. George to leave her under the shade of a, broad spreading oak, accompanied with the eunuch, while he went out in pursuit of some prey, to satisfy their craving appetite; so it was his fortune to kill a deer, which, having cut out with his keen edged sword, he brought a haunch thereof along with him, to present to his beloved lady; but, a sad accident happened in his absence, for two hungry lions ranging about for prey, came directly to the oaken-tree, where these two weary travellers were reposing themselves, who with angry mood, seized upon the eunuch, and soon buried him in their hungry entrails, then they tore his steed in pieces. Sabrine all the while beholding it, expected herself to be the next morsel to allay their hunger: but, quite foreign to her expectation, with fawning gestures they came unto her, and laid their heads in her tender lap, and there quietly fell fast asleep, at which time St. George returned, who, standing a while in amaze what to do, at last he threw down his venison, and with his trusty sword Asealon, soon dispatched both the lions. Now Sabrine, saith he, I have sufficient proof of thy true virginity, the nature of these beasts being such, that they will bow their heads to none, but such as have kept their chastities