Page:Report of Joint Board on Interstate Highways.pdf/15

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Proposed Agenda for First Full Meeting of Board.

Tentative date: April 20, 1925.
Tentative place: Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C.

At this first full Board meeting it is desirable that matters of policy as set forth in the Agenda be as definitely determined as possible, but it will not be necessary to discuss details except as affecting a color code for signs. It will be desirable to come to a decision, if possible, regarding the principal colors to be used on signs because numerous orders have been placed and filling of the orders is being delayed until this Board has acted on the question of colors.


1. Determine Scope of Board Work
(a) To designate interstate routes.
(b) To adopt a uniform system of marking such routes.
(c) To secure uniform legislation to provide for such marking.

2. Adopt Policies to Prevail in Designating Routes, Covering the Following Points-
(a) Shall trail organizations be recognized by the Board-
(1) By hearing?
(2) By submitting briefs?
(3) By no method?
(b) Shall designated routes be named or numbered?
(c) Shall a mechanical and prearranged system of numbering, or shall a promiscuous system of numbering be adopted?
(d) Shall an effort be made to follow existing numbers in some States, or shall a scheme be adopted without reference to existing State numbers?
(e) Shall an effort be made to establish a correlation between other numbered State routes and the designated routes?
(f) Shall the Board recommend that after the Interstate routes have been designated, trail associations in good standing, operating without profit, be authorized by permission of the respective State highway departments, to name and mark routes for sentimental, memorial, or patriotic reasons, under restrictions covering-
(1) Type of sign,
(2) Avoidance of overlapping routes,
(3) Choice of a single route,
(4) Continuity of route,
(5) Permission of all States concerned and
(6) Routes to follow single numbered route.