Page:Report of Joint Board on Interstate Highways.pdf/18

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Moved that it be the it be the sense of this meeting that we adopt a uniform system of through route marking for the United States, based on numbering and that a uniform shape and type of route marker, to be adopted later, be selected for the marking of these routes through the different States. CARRIED.

Moved that it be the sense of this Body that Resolution No. 5 regarding trail marking, as adopted by the American Association of State Highway Officials at its last annual convention in California, be adopted as the policy of this Board. CARRIED. (Resolution is attached)

Moved that the Secretary of this meeting request each State to submit for the consideration of this Board a design for a marker of national significance to be acted on later. CARRIED.

Moved that it be the sense of this Body that the recommendations of the Sub-Committee on Traffic Control and Safety of the American Association of State Highway Officials, as adopted by said Association at its last annual meeting at San Francisco be adopted as the preliminary standards for traffic warning signs to be used by this Body; except that the specification as to the use of lemon yellow as the color for the background of said signs be determined after further investigation by this Body; and, be it the sense of this Body further that the standards as finally perfected and adopted by this Body be recommended to the American Association of State Highway Officials and other highway officials having jurisdiction over the highways of this country as standards for their adoption. CARRIED. (Recommendations are attached.)

Moved that it be the sense of this Body that each State, where the authority does not exist, empower its State Highway Department to provide a uniform system of marking and signing for the roads under State jurisdiction. CARRIED.

Moved that it be the sense of this Body that no discussion along the line of numbers to be adopted for these routes be had until the system of arterial highways for the United States is selected. CARRIED.