Page:Report of Joint Board on Interstate Highways.pdf/21

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AT ITS FIRST FULL MEETING April 21, 1925 (Continuation
of April 20 meeting).

Moved that the Chairman of this Joint Board be asked to group the several States in such manner as will best promote the study of the roads to be selected and marked under the supervision of this Board; that group meetings be held at which representatives from each of the States involved and from the Bureau of Public Roads be present, at which meeting or subsequent meeting a study of the proposed routes to be selected and marked in each State be made; that joint meetings of related groups be held when necessary; that these groups report their recommendations to this Board for review, adjustment and ultimate adoption. CARRIED.

Moved that it be the sense of this Board that in laying out the highways to be recommended for adoption as part of the proposed uniformly marked system of interstate highways each State be requested to bear in mind the following purposes:
1. The connection of important centers with those reasonably direct lines which will be improved at the earliest possible date.
2. The dispersion of traffic over a sufficient number of alternate routes to promote safety and case of maintenance.
3. The selection of approximately 1 per cent or less of the total highway mileage of the State as of greatest importance; of a second 1 per cent approximately as of secondary importance; and a third 1 per cent approximately as of tertiary importance; and that these suggested percentages be increased in sparsely settled States. CARRIED.

Moved that it is the sense of this Board to adopt as a preliminary and tentative standard for the interstate highways to be selected, the following color scheme: For all route markers and directional signs, black lettering on white background; for all warning or caution signs, black lettering on lemon yellow background, and that this tentative recommendation be submitted to each of the States for their comments and recommendations before finally being adopted by this Joint Board. CARRIED.

Moved that it is the sense of this Board that green be used as a luminous sign as indicated under Section A, No. 3, to indicate "go" instead of "look or attention." CARRIED. (See Recommendation of American Association of State Highway Officials.)