Page:Report of Joint Board on Interstate Highways.pdf/36

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June 15, 1925.

The following Members of the Board were present:
T. S. Greene, New York.
E. W. James, B. P. R.

State Representatives were present by invitation as follows:
E. E. Reed, New Jersey.
H. E. Neal, Ohio.

The group meeting of the North Atlantic States was held in the Board Room of the A.S.C.E. in the Engineering Societies Building at 10 A.M. June 15, 1925.

Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware were not represented, but correspondence from Delaware indicated their willingness to accept decisions of the Board, and a personal conference with Mr. Mackall indicated that the principal roads through Maryland were so obvious that he thought it would be unnecessary for him to be present. No word was received from Pennsylvania.

Mr. Neal of Ohio was present especially to complete unadjusted connections with Pennsylvania, which were left open by Mr. Boulay at the Chicago meeting, and these were made as far as they could be made by the group representatives without conference with Pennsylvania.

A general examination of the field map as brought to this group meeting at once produced the impression that too many roads had been selected and Mr. Greene of New York was especially desirous of reducing the mileage and the layout in New York was made accordingly. Mr. Greene said he thought he would on his own initiative send a copy of his State map to the other States in order that they could more clearly get his idea of a desirable density of transcontinental routes. He felt that the whole system should be very carefully gone over by the Joint Board with a view to eliminating a large number of alternates, short cuts and cross roads, which could not fairly be considered as of transcontinental significance, or even of major interstate importance.

Except for the general difference of attitude there was no lack of harmony at this meeting. All connections delivered to the group were met and carried to the New England line.