Page:Report of Joint Board on Interstate Highways.pdf/43

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AT ITS SECOND FULL MEETING, Aug. 4, 1925 (Morning Session)

Moved said seconded that paragraph 7, sub-paragraph 7, of the Report of the Committee on Signs, be approved as representing the sense of this Board. CARRIED (Report of Committee on Signs attached)

Moved and seconded that it be the sense of this Board that paragraph 7, sub-paragraph 8, of the Report of the Committee on Signs, be disapproved, and that we recommend that the various States erect, in the form of a more permanent marker, what seems to them to be a suitable monument for the State line. CARRIED

Moved and seconded that it be the sense of this Board that the Committee on Signs of this Board, which has had the preparation of these signs, go further into this matter of preparing a standard type of monument, to be used by the States at their discretion at State boundaries, county boundaries and other important places; and that the Committee submit back to this Board designs which may be collected from the State Highway Departments or outside parties interested, giving consideration to the natter of holding public contests to interest artists and other persons of designing talent in the creation of a marker to be considered permanent. CARRIED

Moved and seconded that it be the sense of this Board that paragraph 7, sub-paragraph 9, of the Report of the Committee on Signs, be referred back to the Committee for re-drafting. CARRIED

Moved and seconded that it be the sense of this Board that paragraph 7, sub-paragraph 10, of the Report of the Committee on Signs, be referred back to the Committee for re-drafting. CARRIED

Moved and seconded that the last paragraph of the Report of the Committee on Signs be approved as representing the sense of this Board. CARRIED

Moved and seconded that the preceding motion be amended by adding that the Bureau of Public Roads be the central agency referred to in the last paragraph of the Report of the Committee on Signs. CARRIED