Page:Report of The Inter-Governmental Committee, Malaysia.pdf/26

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(b)(i) Survey of the Federation excluding cadastral surveys, social, economic and scientific surveys; meteorological organisations;


(i) Subject to such delegation of legislative authority as may be necessary to maintain the Labuk survey as a State function.

(ii) Topographical and geodetic surveys should be Federal subjects but should continue to be carried out as at present by the State Land Survey Departments as agents for the Federation Government on a repayment basis on a stated percentage of the annual cost of the Department subject to such cost being reviewed from time to time and to such surveys being made in conformation with Federal policy.

(iii) Geological surveys should be Federal subject, but the present joint Borneo Geological Surveys Department would be a branch of the Federal Department with administrative autonomy. The Director of the Borneo Geological Surveys Department should work direct to the Federal Minister responsible, through the Permanent Secretary.

(ii) Cadastral surveys


(c)(i) Scientific and technical research, excluding Agricultural and Forestry Research;


(ii) Agricultural and Forestry Research; and


If the Federation Government accepted responsibility for any part of the work there should be a devolution of responsibility to the Head of Department concerned for the day to day research to be carried out on the around.

(d) Commissions of inquiry


13. Education including—

(a) Elementary secondary and university education, etc.;


Subject to the undertakings in paragraph 17 of the Report.

(b)(i) Libraries, museums, ancient and historical monuments and records and archaeological sites and remains it declared to the Federal by or under federal law;


Subject to an assurance that no declaration should be made without the concurrence of the State Government concerned.

(ii) Libraries, etc, not so declared.


14. Medicine and Health, etc

North Borneo: Concurrent until 31st December, 1970, and then Federal.

Sarawak: Federal

Subject to an assurance that local policy and the system of administering these subjects in Sarawak would not be disturbed until the State Government otherwise concurs. The financial provision for the services would be Federal. The local authorities should continue to exercise those functions in this respect which they now exercise under local legislation.