Page:Report of The Inter-Governmental Committee, Malaysia.pdf/29

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7. Machinery of the State Government subject to the Federal List, etc


(i) (a) There should be a state Legal Department,

(b) The State Attorney-General should be a State Officer and appointed by the Head of State on the advice of the Chief Minister from a panel of names submitted by the State Public Service Commission. The Chief Minister should be required to consult the Federal Government before tendering his advice. The appointment should after Malaysia Day normally be made from the Federal Legal and Judicial Service but if no suitable candidate were available, the post could be filled on contract terms from outside Malaysia after consultation with the Federal Government; and
(c) The remaining posts in the State Legal Department would be filled by secondment from the Federal Legal Service if the State so desired

(ii) The appointments of the State Secretary and State Financial Secretary should be a matter for the State Governments but in making these appointments the procedure for making the appointment of the State Attorney-General should be followed and the persons appointed should be members of the Public Service.

8. State bolidays.


9. Creation of offences in respect of any of the matters included in the State List.


10. Inquiries for State purposes, etc


11. Indemnity in respect of any of the matters in the State List.


12. Turtles and riverine fishing.



1. Social Welfare, etc.


2. Scholarships


(i) The present Federation of Malaya quota system in the award of sholarships should not apply in the Borneo States.
(ii) In any central allocation of scholarships by the Federation Government the award of Colombo Plan and other scholarships to the Borneo States should be kept separate at all levels from awards in other States in Malaysia.