Page:Report of The Inter-Governmental Committee, Malaysia.pdf/35

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29. Principles similar those set out above for the State Public Services should apply to the North Borneo Police Force and the Sarawak Constabulary Designated officers will be seconded to the Federal Police Service retaining their existing terms of service and they will be eligible for promotion within the Bomeo States according to the principles in paragraph 14. AllPolice Officers and all non-designated officers serving with the Police Forces will also be seconded to the Federal Police Service It will be open to non-designated officers at any time to opt to join the Federal Police Service and promotion will be conditional on transfer to that Service Officers will not be liable for service outside the Borneo States save with their consent. For disciplinary purposes officers transferred to the Federal Police Service will be subject to the Federal Police Service Commission. Officers seconded from the State Public Service will be subject to a State Police Board with the following membership:—

Chairman — The Chairman of the State Public Service Commission.
Members — The State Attorney-General
The State Commissioner of Police, and
A representative of the Inspector General of the Federal Police Service.

The State Police Board will have powers similar to the Federal Police Service Commission to delegate its authority and it is recommended that it should delegate this authority to the full extent that the Federal Police Service Commission delegates its authority. Once the Police Service is fully federalised the State Police Boards will cease to exist.


30. The arrangements set out above should go far to meet the representations made by the North Borneo Civil Service Union and the Sarawak Government Asian Officers Union which have been taken into account. They should also secure the smooth transition of the existing Public Services in the Borneo States into the Federal Public Service, where appropriate on the establishment of Malaysia and preference for local officers for promotion in the Borneo States They must not, however, be allowed 10 impede a constructive partnership within the future Federal Public Service In the longer term. Malaysia will be an unreal creation unless the principle of Malaysianisation is accepted. In its absence, the Bomw States will be the first to suffer. Borneo officers must play their part in helping 10 frame Federal policies the Federal Capital and enjoy opportunities of entering Federal Departments of which the Borneo States have no presentcounterparts Similarly Malayan officers in the Federal Public Service must be brought to view problems from a Malaysian point of view that takes full account of the interests, anxieties and hopes of the Bomeo States. They can never do this until numbers of them have had reasonable opportunities of serving in the Bomeo States and of being made to be directly responsible for their interests If the safeguards provided for Borneanisation were used for the permanent exclusion of Malayan officers from Federal posts in the Bomeo States, Federal policies could not take full account of the views of the Borneo States.

31. During the early years of Malaysia it desirable that a limited number of suitably qualified officers from the Bomeo States should be posted to other parts of Malaysia The opportunity will also be taken of posting to the Bomeo States a limited number of Federal officers or officers from other States If any designated overseas officers are posted on secondment from the Bornw States, cither as a part of these exchanges, or in the interests of the Borneo States to Federal Ministeries and Departmental headquarters, they will continue to be entitled to the benefits of the O.S.A.S.

32. It is recommended that the Federal and State Govemments should as soon as possible sel up a Joint Commission to enquire into and make recommendations on bringing terms and conditions of service throughout the Federal Public Service in Malaysia into line; to recommend whether officers in Divisions III to V serving in Federalised Departments may opt to join the Federal Public Service of Malaysia, and to recommend whether Federal conditions should apply to officers who join the Federal Public Service but continue to serve in the Borneo States.