Page:Report of The Inter-Governmental Committee, Malaysia.pdf/6

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(c) the Federal Government should undertake in the formal agreement for the establishment of Malaysia to pass before Malaysia Day a law coming into operation on Malaysia Day, the draft of which would be agreed by the Governments of the Borneo States and scheduled to the formal agreement and an outline of which is set out in sub-paragraph (f) below;
(d) the Federal Constitution should be amended to provide that this law may not be amended or repealed in its application to a Borneo State without the concurrence of the Government of the State concerned;
(e) the Federal Constitution should be amended to provide that the provisions referred to in sub-paragraphs (b) and (d) may not be amended or repealed in their application to a Borneo State without the concurrence of the Government of the State concerned;
(f) the law referred to in sub-paragraph (c) should contain provisions to secure that:—
(i) any person from outside Malaysia whose entry into a Borneo State the Government of that State considers is necessary for State purposes shall be given entry except in cases where the Federal Government, which will be consulted for this purpose, considers that it is desirable in the national interest that entry should be refused;
(ii) subject to Article 9 (1) and to sub-paragraph (iv) below, admission to a Borneo State will not be granted to any other person or class of persons, whether from inside or outside Malaysia, without the approval of the Government of the State concerned;
(iii) subject to Article 9 (1) and to sub-paragraph (iv) below, any person who is present in a Borneo State contrary to the provisions of sub-paragraph (ii) above or whose presence is otherwise unlawful, whom the Government of the State wishes to be removed from the State, shall be so removed;
(iv) the provisions outlined in sub-paragraphs (ii) and (iii) above do not apply to members or officers of the Federal Government or any person or class of persons whose temporary presence in the State the Federal Government, after consultation with the State Government, considers is necessary in order to enable the Federal Government to carry out its constitutional and administrative responsibilities, or any citizen who enters for the purpose of exercising his rights in connection with the functioning of parliamentary democracy in Malaysia or any part thereof, or any person who belongs to the State, i.e. who is a permanent resident of the State or who is a citizen of Malaysia on account of connection with the State;
(v) no person who resides temporarily in the State in accordance with sub-paragraph (iv) shall by reason of such residence be deemed to belong to the State or to be a citizen of Malaysia on account of connection with the State for the purposes of that sub-paragraph; and
(g) the Federation Government should give an assurance that labour for federal projects in the Borneo States will not be recruited from outside the State if adequate local labour is available, and that it is not the intention of the Federal Government, in its control of immigration, to hinder the recruitment of persons from outside Malaysia as experts or technical advisers or for the purpose of employment by the Governments of the Borneo States.

17. Education

Certain aspects of religious education have been dealt with under the heading "Religion". In addition :―

(a) although Education (item 13 (a) of the Federal List in the Ninth Schedule) will be a federal subject the present policy and system of administration of education in North Borneo and Sarawak (including their present Ordinances) should be undisturbed and remain under the control of the Government of the State until that Government otherwise agrees in particular:—
(i) the present policy in the Borneo States regarding the use of English should continue;
(ii) knowledge of the Malay language should not be required as a qualification for any educational opportunity until such time as the State Government concerned considers that sufficient provision has been made to teach Malay in all schools in the State;