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Page:Report of the Board of Inquiry into the Helderberg air disaster.djvu/39

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Time Speaker Recorded information
00:01:45 295 Donner se deur t… (Close the bloody door) (?)
00:01:57 295 Joe, switch up quickly, then close the hole on your side
00:02:10 295 Pressure (?) twelve thousand
00:02:14 295 … … Genoeg is … Anderster kan ons vlug verongeluk (is enough … Otherwise our flight could come to grief)
00:02:25 295 Carrier wave only
00:02:38 295 Eh Plaisance, Springbok Two Nine Five, do (did) you copy
00:02:41 MRU Eh negative, Two Nine Five, say again please, say again
00:02:43 295 We're now sixty five miles
00:02:45 MRU Confirm sixty five miles
00:02:47 295 Ya, affirmative Charlie Charlie
00:02:50 MRU Eh, Roger, Springbok eh Two Nine Five, eh re you're recleared flight level five zero. Recleared flight level five zero
00:02:58 295 Roger, five zero
00:03:00 MRU And, Springbok Two Nine Five copy actual weather Plaisance Copy actual weather Plaisance. The wind one one zero degrees zero five knots, The visibility above one zero kilometres. And we have a precipitation in sight to the north. Clouds, five octas one six zero zero, one octa five thousand feet. Temperature is twenty two, two two. And the QNH one zero one eight hectopascals, one zero one eight over
00:03:28 295 Roger, one zero one eight
00:03:31 MRU Affirmative, eh and both runways available if you wish
00:03:43 MRU And two nine five, I request pilots intention
00:03:46 295 Eh we'd like to track in eh, on eh one three