(i) Borders
(a) These shall be 1½ S/W wide.
(b) They shall be radiused 2 S/W on internal corners.
(ii) Route symbols
(a) The width of the route symbol shall be 6 S/W when indicating a Primary road, 2 S/W for a class III or unclassified road and 4 S/W for all other classified roads.
(b) The tips of route symbols shall be chamfered 90°.
(c) Internal angles at the junction of route symbols shall be radiused 1 S/W.
(d) Side turning route symbols shall extend to two-thirds of the distance from the forward symbol to the border.
(iii) Relation of elements
(a) Route numbers should follow place names on the same line. If space does not permit this they shall be placed below and aligned with the initial of the place name or if this is impracticable be aligned with the last letter of the place name.
(b) When there is more than one destination related to a route symbol all place names shall be stacked, with their initial letters aligned .
(c) Forward destination(s) shall be centred over forward route symbols.
(d) Exceptionally, on a sign with only one side turning the forward destination should be above the route symbol but may be displaced from centre to range right or left with the outside extremity of the right or left turning destination.
(e) Back and side destinations shall normally be below route symbols but very exceptionally may be placed above route symbols when the forward destination is 18 S/W distant.
(ƒ) Route numbers and place names shall be a minimum of 4 S/W from an unrelated oblique route symbol.
(iv) Spacing of elements
(a) There shall be 2½ S/W between the top border and the forward destination.
(b) There shall be 2½ S/W between side borders and place names or route numbers.
(c) There shall be 1½ S/W between the bottom border and the nearest place name or route number but 1 S/W when there are no descenders in the bottom line.
(d) There shall be a minimum of 4 S/W between the vertical route symbol and the nearest place name or route number laterally.
(e) There shall be 1 S/W between route symbols and the place names below.
(f) Forward route symbols shall butt up directly to forward destinations, but where there is a descender immediately over the symbol point a stroke thickness should be inserted.
(g) There shall be a minimum of 12 S/W vertically and 10 S/W horizontally between blocks of names/route numbers.
(h) The bottom of the forward route symbol shall be 1½ S/W from the bottom border.