Page:Report of the Traffic Signs Committee (1963).pdf/32

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Concealed level crossing ahead (Regs. 130a, 130b and 130c)

99. These signs already follow the Protocol and we recommend no change.

Level crossing with gates (Regs. 130)

100. We recommend the sign at figure 48 for use in advance of level crossings provided with gates or some other form of barrier.

Unguarded level crossing (Regs. 131)

101. On the approach to level crossings where there are no gates or other barriers the sign at figure 49 should be used. In spite of the progressive adoption of diesel and electric locomotives it does not seem necessary to depart from the symbolic steam locomotive which is more easily recognisable and is still widely used.

Trains cross here (Regs. 132) and Surmounting cross (Regs. 101a)

102. The Protocol provides that in the immediate vicinity of any level crossing without gates or barriers there should be a sign in the form of a St. Andrew's cross which may, if necessary, be backed by a rectangular plate of neutral colour. We recommend that the existing sign (Regs. 101a) should be retained for use either alone or with twin flashing red light signals at all level crossings without gates or barriers.

Tramway crossing (Regs. 133)
Trams cross here (Regs. 134)

103. Our remarks in paragraph 94 apply equally to these signs. In some areas, industrial trains are known as trams but we think that where these cross roads they should be regarded as trains and the level crossing signs recommended above should be used.

Uneven rails (Regs. 135)

104. We recommend the sign at figure 47 which is used on the Continent to indicate an uneven road.

Single track road with passing places (Regs. 136)

105. There is no Protocol equivalent for this. As this sign is little used, we recommend no immediate change. But where new signs are required or when old ones need to be replaced we suggest that they should take the form of informatory signs.

Swing bridge (Regs. 137)

106. A Protocol symbolic sign is prescribed for use on the approach to any type of bridge which can be opened. We recommend the sign at figure 58.

Gate across road (Regs. 138)

107. There is no Protocol equivalent for this sign and we do not think that a symbol would be sufficiently distinctive. We therefore recommend that the word 'Gate' (or 'Gates' as appropriate) should be used as shown in figure 62.