Page:Report on public instruction in the lower provinces of the Bengal presidency (1850-51).djvu/11

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E.—Sketch Statement of Receipts on account of the Education Department for the year 1850-51, cxciv

E.Sketch Statement of Charges on account of the Education Department for the year 1850-51, cxcviii

F.List of Distinguished Students according to the Governor General's Resolution, from 10th October 1844 to 1851, ccii

G.—Statement exhibiting the Number and Caste of the Pupils of the Government Colleges and Schools, on the 30th September 1851, ccv

G.Statement exhibiting the Number of Scholarship-holders, Free Scholars, Pay and Free Pupils, on the 30th September 1851, ccvi

G.Statement exhibiting the Number of Students studying different languages in the Colleges and Schools, on the 30th September 1851, ccvii

G.Statement exhibiting the amount of Schooling Fees realized in the Colleges and Schools, during the Session 1850-51, ccviii

H.—Abstract Statement of Eeceipts and Disbursements of the Government Book Agency, from 1st January to 31st December 1851,

H.Statement showing the Receipts and Disbursements of the Government Book Agency, from 1st January to 31st December 1851, ccxii