Page:Report on public instruction in the lower provinces of the Bengal presidency (1850-51).djvu/254

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his own expense, amongst the boys who are too poor to purchase them. The school houses are in good order.


"No separate report regarding the schools in the Midnapore District has been furnished by the Collector, but from the tabular statement submitted, it would appear that the school at the Sudder Station is in a flourishing condition. The number of pupils on the rolls has increased from 80 to 98, and the average daily attendance from 42 to 59. The master is said to be a well qualified and attentive man; and the school house is in good condition. The other school in this District, is situated at Gugnessur, and had 45 pupils on its rolls at the close of the year under review, the average daily attendance being 25. The master bears a good character as a teacher, and the school house is reported to be in good order.

General Summary.

Division. Number of Schools. Average daily attendance.

Patna, 5 77

Bhaugulpore, 6 161

Moorshedahad, 5 219

Dacca, 5 137

Jessore, 12 593

Chittagong, 2 46

Cuttack, 8 221

Total, 43 1451

"From the foregoing details it appears that, in the several Divisions, under the Board's control, 43 Vernacular Schools were in operation during the whole or a part of the year under review, of which number 7 have since been closed.

"The number of pupils on the rolls of the several institutions, at the commencement of the year, was 1,981; the admissions during the year were 1,108, and the withdrawals l,154,leaving on the rolls at its close 1,935, the average daily attendance being 1,454. The expense incurred by Government, on account of teachers for the year, was rupees 10,062-8-0, being rupees 6-14-9 per annum for the tuition of each pupil, calculated upon average daily attendance.

"The amount of schooling fees realized during the year, was rupees 1,177-9-0, which added to the balance of the previous year, rupees 3,058-3-7, makes a total of rupees 4,235-4-4. Of this sum, rupees 321-15-0 were disbursed, leaving rupees 3,913-5-1 in deposit; rupees 541-10-9 were also realized by the sale of 1,910 volumes of books."

Consequent on the submission of the above report to the Government, the following instructions were issued to the Sudder Board.

The acknowledgments of the Government were directed to be communicated to Messrs. Grote, Reid, Mactier and Jackson, for the attention paid by them to the schools in their respective districts.

The zeal and liberahty of Babu Bipro Churn, in the welfare of the schools at llatempore and Beerblioomj and the interest