Page:Report on public instruction in the lower provinces of the Bengal presidency (1850-51).djvu/7

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Report of the Council of Education, for 1850-51.


Constitution of the Council, i

Changes in the Council, ii

The late J. E. D. Bethune, iiii

Address at Kishnaghur, ib.

Speech at Dacca, xv

Scheme of Study, xxiii

Scholarship Examinations of 1851, xxiv

Scholarships gained and retained, xxx

Standard for 1852, xxxvii

Committee of Examination of Candidates employed in the Education Department, xxxviii

Appointment of a Principal to the Sanscrit College, xxxix

Donations, ib.

State of the Education Funds, xl

Conduct of Masters, ib.

Council's List, ib.

Special Reports and Appendix, xli

Special Reports of the Presidency Institutions.

Calcutta Mudrissa, 1

Hindu College, 11

Pautshala, 23

Branch School, 25

Sanscrit College, 31

Russapuglah School 49

Hooghly College, 53

Hooghly Branch School, 54

{{ditto|Hooghly|„{{ Infant School, ib.

Medical College of Bengal, 79