Page:Report on the Conference upon the Rosenthal Case 1866.pdf/23

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1. That in reply to Mr. Goodhart's communications of the 4th[1] and 5th instant, the Bishop of Rochester be requested to renew his application to the Secretary of the Jews' Society, that he will submit to himself and his colleagues the names of the persons proposed by the Jews' Society as members of the reformed Conference, agreeably to the resolutions of the Conference of the 29th of June.

2. That the Bishop of Rochester be also requested to ask again for a copy of the Resolution passed upon the reading of Lord Shaftesbury's Statement, at the meeting of the General Committee of the Jews' Society on the 22d of June.

3. That the Bishop of Rochester be requested to submit the names of the following gentlemen to serve in the new Conference, viz.–

The Right Hon. Lord Claud Hamilton, M.P.

The Ven. Archdeacon Emery.

Loftus Wigram, Esq.

Rev. C. F. S. Money.

Rev. John Bowstead.

John Forbes, Esq.

4. With regard to the resolutions of the Committee of the Jews' Society of July 4th, the Bishop of Rochester be requested to inform the Jews' Society that, in the event of the members of the reformed Conference being unable to agree, the whole matter should be laid before his

  1. London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews.
    16, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.

    JULY 4th, 1866.

    My Dear Lord, —–I am directed by our Committee to inform your Lordship, that all the papers which accompanied your Lordship's letter of the 29th of June were read to the Committee at our Meeting to-day.

    I also enclose the answers which your Lordship requested might be sent to you yesterday, the Committee to-day having instructed me to forward them. They are in the form of an extract from our minutes, which I enclose. Your Lordship's faithfully,

    C. J. Goodhart


    I am unable at present to reply to your Lordship's letter received this day.
    The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Rochester.

    I ought to mention that the Earl of Shaftesbury's paper was read at the Committee upon his Lordship's desire, as President of this Society, and that he has concurred in the application for the reading at the Committee of the papers which accompanied your Lordship's letter; but he has desired that, on all explanations concerning the confidential nature of matters at the Conference, reference should be made to himself.


    Society's House,        

    June 22d, 1866.

    J. M. STRACHAN, Esq. W. P., in the Chair.


    Rear-Adm. F. W. Harcourt
    T. R. Andrews, Esq.
    J. Goldingham, Esq.
    J. Hawkesworth, Esq.
    C. A. Moody, Esq.

    R. Trotter, Esq.
    Lieut.-Col. Sotheby
    W. N. West, Esq.
    W. Tollemache, Esq.
    W. W. Willson, Esq.

    Secretary—Capt. H. L. Layard.

    A paper was read at the instance of the President, being a statement made by the President, the Earl of Shaftesbury, at the last meeting of the Conference with the Right Reverend the Bishop of Rochester and his colleagues.        True Extract,

    C. J. Goodhart,    
