Page:Report on the Conference upon the Rosenthal Case 1866.pdf/28

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Resolution enclosed in Mr. Money's letter of 21st July.

That we consented to the close of the Conference on the proposition of Lord Shaftesbury and his side of the Conference, that a new tribunal “of persons impartial, not only in fact but in public opinion, should be selected;” that we stated at the time this proposition was made that we considered the proper tribunal would be a number of gentlemen, nominated by each side, with a power to challenge, and in case the Conference should not agree, reference to be made to some eminent person agreed to by both sides.

After this it is with great astonishment that the Bishop and his friends received the resolution of the Committee, sending the names of three legal gentlemen, and requesting the Bishop and his friends to select one. This is an unjustifiable departure from the terms of the proposal made by Lord Shaftesbury and his friends, and the understanding upon which the Conference closed; and there now only remains one course for the Bishop and his friends to take, unless, without further delay, the Committee of the Jews' Society proceed to nominate their side of the final tribunal, according to the terms proposed and agreed upon at the meeting of the Conference of 29th June.

The Society replied :—

London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews.

16, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.

July 24th, 1866.

My Dear Sir,

I have received your letter of the 21st inst. (which came to hand yesterday), and, in compliance with your desire, I have read it to-day to the Committee.

We shall meet again on Friday next, when I shall do myself the pleasure of communicating to you the result of the Committee's deliberations upon the resolutions of your Committee of the 20th.

I remain,            

Yours faithfully,      

(Signed)      H. L. Layard,

The Rev. C. F. S. Money, St. John's Parsonage, Upper Lewisham Road, S.E.

London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews.

16, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.

July 27th, 1866.

My Dear Sir,

Referring to yours of the 21st instant, forwarding copy of your Committee's resolution of the 20th I have now the pleasure to send you our Committee's resolution in reply to the same, confirmed by the General Committee of this day.

With Christian regard I remain,            

Yours very faithfully,      

(Signed)      H. L. Layard,


The Rev. C. F. S. Money.