Page:Republic of South Africa Constitution Act 1961 statute book scan.djvu/22

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Republic of South Africa Constitution

Act No. 32 of 1961.

and such copies shall be conclusive evidence as to the provisions of every such law, and in case of conflict between the two copies so enrolled that signed by the State President shall prevail.

Part VI.

The Provinces.


Appointment and tenure of office of provincial administrators.

66. (1) In each province there shall be a chief executive officer appointed by the State President who shall be known as the administrator of the province, and in whose name all executive acts relating to provincial affairs therein shall be done.

(2) In the appointment of the administrator of any province, the State President shall as far as practicable give preference to persons resident in such province.

(3) An administrator shall hold office for a period of five years and shall not be removed from office before the expiration thereof except by the State President for cause assigned which shall be communicated by message to the Senate and to the House of Assembly within one week after the removal, if Parliament is in session, or, if Parliament is not in session, within one week after the commencement of the next ensuing session.

(4) The State President may from time to time appoint a deputy-administrator to execute the office and functions of the administrator during his absence or illness or whenever for any reason he is unable to perform the duties of his office, or while the appointment of an administrator for the province concerned is pending.

Salaries of administrators.

67. The salaries of the administrators shall be fixed and provided by Parliament, and shall not be reduced during their respective terms of office.

Provincial Councils.

Constitution of provincial councils.

68. (1) There shall be a provincial council in each province consisting, subject to the provisions of the Separate Representation of Voters Act, 1951 (Act No. 46 of 1951), of the same number of members as are elected in the province for the House of Assembly under this Act: Provided that, in any province whose representatives in the House of Assembly are less than twenty-five in number, the provincial council shall consist of twenty-five members.

(2) Any person qualified to vote for the election of members of a provincial council under this Act shall be qualified to be a member of such council under this Act.

(3) Any provincial council constituted as provided in section seventy of the South Africa Act, 1909, and in existence immediately prior to the commencement of this Act, shall be deemed to have been duly constituted as provided in this Act.