Page:Researches into the Early History of Mankind and the Development of Civilization.djvu/410

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TAINE'S (HIPPOLYTE ADOLPHE) WORKS. Uniform Library Edition. 14 vols., large 12mo. Per vol., cloth, $2.50; half calf, $5.00; tree calf, $6.00. Each vol. sold separately.

"The paper, print, and binding of this series leave nothing to be desired in point of taste and attractiveness."—Nation.

The Ancient Régime. The first volume on "The Origins of Contemporary France." Translated by John Durand. Large 12mo. $2.50.

"This work may be regarded as the most thoughtful and profound of all the productions of the author. . . . The pages abound with the vigorous descriptions that form a fascinating element in his general writings."—N. Y Tribune.

"Deserves to be closely and carefully studied. . . . Strikes us as far superior to his former productions."—London Saturday Review.

The French Revolution. Vol. I. Translated by John Durand. Large 12mo, $2.50. (Just ready.)

(Being the second volume on "The Origins of Contemporary France." It is expected that the series will contain one more volume on the Revolution, and two on France since the Revolution.)

History of English Literature. Translated by H. Van Laun. From new stereotype plates. 3 vols., $7.50; half calf, $15.00.

On Intelligence. Translated by T. D. Haye. 2 vols. $5.00.

Italy. (Rome and Naples.) By John Durand. $2.50.

Italy. (Florence and Venice.) By John Durand. $2.50.

Notes on Paris. The Life and Opinions of M. Frederick Thomas Graindorge. Tr. by John Austin Stevens. $2.50.

Notes on England. Translated, with an introductory chapter, by W. F. Rae. With a portrait of the author. Large 12mo. $2.50.

A Tour through the Pyrenees. Tr. by J. Safford Fiske. $2.50.

Lectures on Art. Translated by John Durand. First Series. (Containing the Philosophy of Art; The Ideal in Art.) $2.50.

Lectures on Art. Translated by John Durand. Second Series. (Containing the Philosophy of Art in Italy; The Philosophy of Art in the Netherlands; The Philosophy of Art in Greece.) $2.50.


A Tour through the Pyrenees. Translated by J. Safford Fiske. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. Square 8vo, gilt, $10.00. Full levant morocco, $20.00.

A superb presentation volume, with nearly 250 illustrations in Doré's early, careful manner. The illustrations are not confined to the scenery, but also refer to many of the adventures, tragic and grotesque, that be- set the traveller, and, what is of more interest and importance, many of the legends of that historic and romantic country from Froissart and the other old Chroniclers.

"It is rarely that a book is printed in so perfect a combination of the book-making trinity, author, artist, and publisher, as is this superb work."—N. Y. Evening Mail.

"A marvel of beauty."—Boston Transcript.

The Philosophy of Art in Italy. Translated by John Durand. 16mo, $1.25.

Art in the Netherlands. Translated by John Durand. 16mo. $1.25.

The Class-room Taine. History of English Literature, by H. A. Taine. Abridged from the translation of H. Van Laun. and edited, with chronological table, notes, and index, by John Fiske, Lecturer and Assistant Librarian in Harvard University. Large 12mo. $2.25