Page:Resource Sustainability Act 2019.pdf/10

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to register the producer under subsection (2) may, within 14 days after receiving notice of the Agency’s decision, appeal to the Minister.

Duration, cancellation and revocation of registration

10.—(1) A registration of a producer of a regulated product under section 9(2) remains valid unless cancelled or revoked under this section.

(2) The Agency may cancel a registration under section 9(2) of a producer of a regulated product if—

(a) the producer of the regulated product applies to the Agency to cancel the registration; or
(b) the producer of the regulated product winds up, goes into liquidation or is otherwise dissolved.

(3) The Agency may revoke the registration of a producer of a regulated product after giving notice to the producer concerned and after such inquiry as the Agency thinks fit, on any of the following grounds:

(a) the producer procured the registration by providing any information or document to the Agency that is false or misleading in any material particular;
(b) the Agency is satisfied that the producer has contravened any provision of this Part or any condition of the registration.

(4) The Agency must, before revoking a registration under subsection (3), give the producer of a regulated product concerned a written notice of its intention to do so and an opportunity to submit reasons, within the period specified in that notice, as to why the registration should not be revoked.

(5) The Agency must, within 14 days after revoking any registration under subsection (3), inform the producer of a regulated product whose registration is revoked in writing of the grounds for the revocation.

(6) A producer of a regulated product who is aggrieved by the Agency’s decision under subsection (3) to revoke the producer’s