Page:Resource Sustainability Act 2019.pdf/29

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NO. 29 OF 2019

(a) grant the licence for such duration as the Agency may specify in the licence; or
(b) refuse the application.

(3) The Minister may from time to time, by notification in the Gazette, prescribe a limit on the number of licences to be granted by the Agency under subsection (2) for a type of specified waste.

(4) A person who is to be granted a licence may be selected by the Agency from among those who submit tenders in response to an invitation to tender for the right to operate a producer responsibility scheme under that licence.

(5) Any invitation to tender under this section must specify that an applicant who tenders for a licence must state the amount (by reference to quantity or method or otherwise) that the applicant will charge members of the producer responsibility scheme if the applicant is granted a licence.

Licence conditions

30.—(1) A licence is subject to such conditions as the Agency may specify.

(2) The conditions may include the following:

(a) requirements relating to the fees payable by members of the producer responsibility scheme;
(b) requirements relating to the waste collection operations of the licensee, to ensure comprehensive and regular collection, removal and transport of waste;
(c) minimum specified waste collection amounts;
(d) requirements to conduct programmes or events to educate the public on waste management and resource sustainability.

(3) The Agency may, at any time, modify the conditions of a licence in accordance with this section.

(4) Before modifying any conditions of a licence, the Agency must give notice to the licensee concerned—