Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/104

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Asa Redbird was fully aroused, therefore, when he opened the door to look out. Having slept in his clothing, he was dressed; but even so, Ethel knew he would require a few moments before being ready to start; and as she glanced back through the trees, she saw that Kincheloe had delayed only an instant to watch her and now was going on toward the lake.

"I want you to come right away out to the Rock, Asa," she said. "I'm going there; come after me quick as you can. You understand?"

If he were Sam, questions would have followed; but Asa only looked over her again and said that he understood.

She turned away and started directly for the Rock. And as she went, she wondered if she had been cowardly and therefore had made a mistake in stopping for Asa. Kincheloe was ahead of her now and hurrying, without apparent regard for her and without looking back.