Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/137

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SHE crossed the threshold, which her grandfather had forbidden her, and went to the front door. Barney Loutrelle did not accompany her but stayed behind, keeping between her and her grandfather; but the old man offered no interference of any sort. Indeed, he turned away, after she had definitely disobeyed him, and seemed to pay no more heed to her or to Barney.

"My cap and coat," she heard Barney say to some one. "I gave them to Mr. Cullen."

"I will find them," Miss Platt said crisply, and she brought the garments to him in the hall. Ethel still was clothed as she had been when she had gone out before, so she opened the door and stepped on to the porch; Barney followed and closed the door behind them. She understood, when she looked at him, that his delay had been not solely to guard her against force from her grandfather; Barney had wished to avoid leading, or urging her, to the decision she had made. She referred to that decision now, saying:

"I'm glad. Where shall we go?"

He glanced down the road toward the buildings of the old St. Florentin village. "There are plenty of roofs."

"Yes," she said, and she jerked about excitedly as she heard some one at the door. It opened, and her