Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/143

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"When Asa told me that Bagley was at Wheedon's—and he didn't know about your going there—"

"I hadn't come there when Asa stopped in."

"No; so, not knowing of anybody else at the Rock, I thought they had killed you. But of course it was some one who arrived at the Rock after Bagley had shut you out and you had followed him to Wheedon's."

"Yes; I think that's pretty clear," Barney agreed. "But who was he?"

"Do you suppose Bagley knows? I mean, do you think Bagley knew that some one else was coming to the Rock last night?"

"Perhaps," Barney considered doubtfully. "It's possible, but when I think over the way Bagley acted, I don't believe it's probable; that is, Bagley is the sort of man who's square to the fellow who pays him; and if he knew that Clarke or some one from Clarke was due at the Rock last night, Bagley would have stuck it out for a few hours longer. I picked him for plain scared, Miss Carew, at the idea of waiting at the Rock with me for something to happen which he didn't know anything about."

"You think that the man who came was Clarke?"

"No; because Bagley was too certain Clarke was still in Europe, and if Clarke was here, he would have taken Bagley more into his confidence."

"Then you think the person who came wasn't even connected with Clarke?"

"Certainly it wouldn't seem so."

"My grandfather knows, of course," Ethel said with amazing, unreal recollection that she was sitting there with a young man, almost a stranger to her, trying to figure out the facts of a crime which her grandfather knew all about. "That telegram from my uncle Lucas